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Thursday, 24 November 2011

Poetry Society.....the dynamic, interesting,.......& Rocking Society Of Thapar Varsity


EYES ravished with rapture, celestially panting, what passionate bosoms aflaming with fire 
Drink deep of the hush of the hyacinth heavens that glimmer around them in fountains of light; 
O wild and entrancing the strain of keen music that cleaveth the stars like a wail of desire, 
And beautiful dancers with houri-like faces bewitch the voluptuous watches of night. 
The scents of red roses and sandalwood flutter and die in the maze of their gem-tangled hair, 

And smiles are entwining like magical serpents the poppies of lips that are opiate-sweet; 
Their glittering garments of purple are burning like tremulous dawns in the quivering air, 
And exquisite, subtle and slow are the tinkle and tread of their rhythmical, slumber-soft feet. 

Now silent, now singing and swaying and swinging, like blossoms that bend to the breezes or showers, 
Now wantonly winding, they flash, now they falter, and, lingering, languish in radiant choir; 
Their jewel-girt arms and warm, wavering, lily-long fingers enchant through melodious hours, 
Eyes ravished with rapture, celestially panting, what passionate bosoms aflaming with fire!


This poem by Late Sarojni Naidu, is an expression of emotions flowing out in form of dance after the huge success  of Thapar Poetry Society in this Semester.....We spent some coolest times in meetings with our awesome bunch of enthusiastic members, their poems which they recited in meetings and their ideas they shared while we played exciting games in between still make us ( Thapar Poetry Society) nostalgic and extremely excited to have their company in the coming even semester.

Love You All!

Arashnoor Singh
Saptrishi Mukherjee
Udita Kapoor
Anoop Singh Bias
Mayank Jain
Snigdha Singla
Jayant Kumar
Sahibjit Singh
Virat Sharda
Apoorva Saxena
Amit Saini

From you beloved

Thapar Poetry Society
(Be a Poet, Be a Rebel!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011


This Elixir 'Ring' rules and Thapar Poetry Society has launched 3 Out Of the Box events:

The Lyricist
Dancing Verses

Friday, 14 October 2011


    A pile of letters up on your desk, sir!
    Want to know about what they were??
    "Are you kidding me!!!" Came the reply...
    "Don't we have a shredder!!!!"
    And a disappointing "NO SIRE" came!!!
    And hence began the reading game!
   Big Big decisions were thrown...
   Plum Plum money to big companies was shown!!!
   But when it came to the needy deedy ones!!!

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Meeting....Roar Like A lion

The Poetic lion is roaring to roar next week in  poetry meeting. So gear up to face it, shed all fears and be part of its roar...

Thapar Poetry Society
Be a Rebel! Be a Poet

Poet is a Lion and his\her poem his\her Roar!
Roar Like lion!

Saturday, 17 September 2011

You are all this to Snigdha Singla ( Ist Year)


You are the first ray of dawn,

You are my morning prayer,
You're a part of my every wish, desire,
You're the courage that lets me dare,

You are the sparkle of my eyes,
You are the smile on my face,
You are the lines on my palm,
You're my destiny, my fate,

You're the dream of my nights,
And my thoughts when I'm awake,
You are the depth of my insight,
With you, I'd never need to fake,

You're the hope that sustains me,
You're the strength of my arms,
You're my ultimate fantasy,
You mesmerize me with your charms,

My life is yours, and yours alone,
Without you, I'm just flesh and blood,
You're the soul to my body,
Without you, I'm no better than the dead,

- Snigdha Singla (INE- 1st Year)

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Untold but True........- By Jayant Kumar

Untold but True .....

Still I remember the day I saw you,
Still can't forget the reason I liked you ,

My silence was never so noisy before,
My horizons of happiness seemed to end no more,

I felt of you a hearted hand,
Warm but cozy like full moon's wand ,

The moon soon faded in the lonely sky,
The stars turned pale upholding the cry,

The milestone you promised, blessed me a Curse ,
MY LOVE was a song and not a Verse..

Jayant Kumar ©
(B.E. Computer Science, 4th Year)
All rights reserved.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Poetry Comics

Welcome Awesome!

Choose among the following comic strips and videos to write down a poem based on their story line.
Poem can be in Hindi, English or Punjabi. Submit it manually to the undersigned or e-mail it at

Write Poem in whatever style you prefer.
Super Exciting Prizes to be won.
Also You will be given an opportunity to recite your poem in Poetry Society's next event POETRY SLAM which is scheduled to be held after MST.
 Last Date For Entries 13th September 2011
Till then watch these Videos, read Comic Strips....and have fun while writing a poem on them!

Amit Saini                                                                                                             Apoorva Saxena
(Convener)                                                                                                             (Convener)
9779056389                                                                                                          9646101561


Saturday, 3 September 2011

MAKE IT HOW I WANT IT!!!!! Udita Kapoor

Our freshmen year Student Udita Kapoor, Pens down an exciting poem which will not only bring a smile on your face but also enliven your heart. Do read it and leave your all the best comments

A cycle with a pony,
a pencil with an eye!
A table named Tony,
And a cloud with a tie!
Anything that I want,
On everything that I can see,
With my pen, I can flaunt,
To make anybody, how I want it to be!

Sitting on a jug,
I saw a buzzing bee,
My pen swiftly carved a bug,
A bug bigger than my garden tree!

The stars ogle with their glowing smile,
The moon sings me a lullaby,
An inch becomes equal to a mile,
Above the clouds, I can make an elephant fly!

My dreams come true,
with the pen in my hand,
From an infant I grew,
painting my dreams on this stand!



                                       - Udita Kapoor
                                             B-Tech (1st year)


Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Poetry comics.....sample video....Calvin & Hobbes

Poetry Comics

We take you back to the childhood days, those lazy Saturdays, exciting Sundays and an awesome weekend full of comic strips in newspaper and cartoons on T.V.

Peanuts, Calvin & hobbes, wizard of id, archie, chacha choudhary, they all return again in Poetry Comics

In this event you have to write a poem on the comic strip or its video, telling the same story as is present in the comic strip.
Your poem can be in dialogue form, dialogues should not be longer than 6 lines. Its an online event in which you can participate as a team or as an individual.

This is a sample video of comic strip- calvin &hobbes, on which I am going to write a poem as an example for you

Comic Strips or their videos will be uploaded on this blog from which you can select any one or more than one (in case of multiple entries)

 You can  mail your entries along with your name, comic strip you have chosen and your contact no.

You can also submit it manually to the undersigned along with all your details.

 Hindi, English, Punjabi all three languages are allowed

Prizes worth Rs. 300 to be won.
awesome entries (not only winning one's but those which are awesome too) would be displayed on LITSOC notice board

Have fun watching these videos

and write the poem to win...not only this event but hearts!

 -Amit Saini
Thapar Poetry Society

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

The Poetic Season begins

Amidst the shades of trees laden with leaves, this poetry season in Thapar University began as the first meeting of society took place in F- lawns of the University. "Spin a Yarn" a story making game was played in its various modified forms, as suggested by our new members (one of whom was inspired by "Family Guy" series on T.V.). Apart from this,  discussion on what styles of poetry writing members prefer was held.

Information on the forthcoming events of poetry society which are, POETRY COMICS & POETRY SLAM was given to the participants of the meeting.
Avant Garde (the annual LITSOC magazine) was given to attendants in order to make them aware of LITSOC culture at Thapar (specially poetry).

It was all in all, an exciting beginning and Thapar Poetry Society hopes to keep this excitement alive this season.

- Amit Saini
Thapar Poetry Society